Montag, 21. Januar 2013

Completed first reading challenge in 2013

In a former post, I already informed you about my first reading challenge in 2013, that I set up for myself. I read the first set of books by alphabet. Leaving out X and Z I went through them all and am happy to announce that I am finished! WAHOO! I thought it'd be hard to find a book with the letter Q, but I managed. Unfortunately, the only Z-lettered books I know are German, or yet to be released. However, I am already thinking up new challenges, but I want to read some random ones first. In case you want to see the whole list of books in the first challenge this year, here it is:

A - Ask The Passengers by A.S. King

B - Beta (Annex #01) by Rachel Cohn REVIEW BELOW!
C - Cold Kiss (Cold Kiss #01) by Amy Garvey
D - Drive Me Crazy by Erin Downing
E - Ember (Ember #01) by Carol Oates
F - Fury by Shirley Marr
G - Girl Saves Boy by Steph Bowe
H - He's So Not Worth It (She's So/He's So #02) by Kieran Scott
I - If I Lie by Corrine Jackson REVIEW
J - Just Flirt by Laura Bowers
K - Kissing Shakespeare by Pamela Mingle
L - Losing It by Eliza Jane
M - My Beautiful Failure by Janet Ruth Young
N - New Girl by Paige Harbison REVIEW
O - Over You by Emma McLaughlin, Nicola Kraus REVIEW
P - Pandemonium (Delirium #02) by Lauren Oliver
Q - The Queen's Army (Cinder #1.5) by Marissa Meyer
R - Reasons I Fell For The Funny Fat Friend by Becca Ann
S - The Secret of Ella and Micha (The Secret #01) by Jessica Sorensen
T - There's No Light In Darkness by Claire Contreras
U - Undeadly (The Reaper Diaries #01) by Michele Vail
V - Vain by Fisher Amelie
W - What I Didn't Say by Keary Taylor
Y - Young Love Murder (Young Assassins #01) by April Brookshire

Thanks to all the authors for writing these books. I (mostly) had a good time!

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