Title: If I Lie
Author: Corrine Jackson
Rating: 4 - 4.5/5
don't know how Corrine made it, but this book put me through so many
emotions. It was crazy. I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I smiled. I
thought I would have to tell my mom to send me to a doctor or something.
I loved this book so much.
Quinn got caught kissing a boy. The
problem is that she already has a boyfriend - Carey. He is serving for
his country in Afghanistan and currently there. Now her friends call her
the meanest things and the only way to stop the rumors and mean words,
would be to tell them Carey's secret. Then Carey goes MIA (missing) and she still has to deal with keeping her promise: To keep his secret.
I don't enjoy reading books about people in the Army. Granted, I have
only read a few of them, but it always annoys me a little how the couple
is already together - then the guy flies away, there is war, he gets
wounded (or not), the girl is sad, he is furious 'cause he wants to
serve his country, so he breaks up with her, thinking it's for the best.
So cliché, isn't it? However, I loved If I Lie a lot.
Even it if fit this cliché in some ways too. The story just made my
heart ache a lot. I can not say enough how much I loved it. (But I'll try to stop. I think you get the point)
can't imagine what it must be like for a family, especially for a
mother to fear for her son to get wounded, get MIA or even killed. For
me, it's unbelievable anyway, because I think this whole war thing and
sending people there is useless and crazy and everything else. I can't
think of it as help. I always think that people make everything worse by
starting another war, just to end the war in the country they are
sending people to. It doesn't even make sense, does it? Innocent people
are dying over there and it won't ever stop. The war won't ever stop.
While thinking and writing about this now, I am really mad. Seriously,
it's just gaaaahhh! But my complaining won't change anything. Not the
tiniest bit. No matter how many people are trying to raise their voices
against it - it will meet numb ears.
So, let's talk about something happier - THIS BOOK! haha.
was a little afraid to start this. I had it on my eBook reader for some
time now but never had the urge to read it. I was staring at the cover
all the time and think: "What if this book disappoints me? Why am I even
having such high expectation on this one?" I know the answer now: To
match those expectations. And saying this makes me very happy. It's rare
enough that I find a book that amazes me. It actually only happens in
like 1 of 20 books. I wish I could say I am joking. But I am not. Not
Time to write something about the characters, I guess.
Always a hard task for me. I'll start with Sophie Quinn, since she is
the main character. In the beginning I wasn't sure what to think of her.
Sweet, innocent. So wrong! Well, not completely wrong, but she is a
strong girl, and when you read this book, you get the impression that
you actually know her in real life. Everyone should be a little Sophie
Quinn. So Corrine, share a piece of her with us! She is so brave and you
feel sorry for her so many times. You can relate to her if you got
disappointed by your friends some time, if they failed you, if rumors
starting to get out of hand, if you have to deal with a strict parent,
if you have to deal with a parent who left you, if you feel something
for someone and it seems so wrong, if you struggle to keep secrets, if
you are a good friend, if you are a lousy friend. Everyone can relate to
her in some way. I think that is what made her so special. In a lot of
books, the character has a straight line - girl, rich, beautiful,
spoiled, the end. Sophie is a lot of things. She is a real person. At
least the way she was written and created makes you feel that way.
Carey is one of the guys you find cute. He is nothing
out-standing, but he just is and you like him. I felt really sorry for
him and that he had to keep his secret a secret. It was cliché, but it
was not. Sexuality is still such a topic in the Army. I don't really see
why it'd matter what gender you love. I guess I did spoil a bit now.
But after the first two chapters, you know what is going on with him
anyway. I am sorry if you are bothered by my "spoiler" now. I really am.
I just can't help it.
Of course, there also is a sunny-boy in
this. His name is Blake and he is G O R G E O U S. Everything he says
makes you melt, unless he is being an ass. In some scenes, he is. Just
so you know. Beware of him. You will fall in love with him so quickly.
It should be forbidden. I liked him a lot. No, strike that. I loved him.
But... Yes, there is a but. I think he should have stood up for Sophie.
He should have been there for her. While Sophie thinks she used him in
some way, it was the other way around as well. And I'm not sure what to
think of the ending. I can't express my feelings 'cause that would mean
I'd have to spoil again. I can't do that, can I? Writing reviews is so
stupid. Okay, it's not, but I'd love to spoil now, but I refuse to! Get
surprised what happens or not between the two of them in the end. Your
head will have a lot to do by dealing with your emotions by then.
will put the others together: I hated Sophie's former friends. I hated
them so much. But that's how teenagers are. I am sorry that I know
people like that, I am sorry that you most certainly know people like
that too. I was disgusted by her mother, and though she tried to
explain, I still can't forgive her for doing that to her own daughter.
Gosh, I sound like the characters really exist. I should stop reading
books. Yeah, not going to happen! I also kind of disliked her father. He
is what you'd imagine an ex-soldier to be. Bitter. Who I loved was
George and his and Sophie's conversations. They were so cute, and my
heart broke when... Well, just when something happened.
probably spoiled, so again - I'm sorry. I can only once more say how
much I loved this book. I really should have picked this up sooner. But
I'm so, so happy that I finally read this, and how it was able to take
so much emotions from me. I didn't know I had it in me. If this is not
on your wishlist, it should be. You did an amazing job, Corrine Jackson!
This book is flawless!