Title: Claire (Hart University #02)
Author: Abigail Strom
Rating: 3 - 3.5 / 5
Thanks to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-Op for letting me receive a digital copy of this book.
It's sophomore year, and Claire Stone has sworn off romance. She's just gone through a breakup and she wants some time to find out who she is on her own. The only flaw in her plan is her friend (and hot quarterback) Will McKenna, who's a walking temptation to forget all about her singlehood pledge.
Will has had a thing for Claire since freshman year. Now that they're both single, he wants more from her than friendship. But Claire doesn't want to be anyone's girlfriend right now, and with football season underway, Will's got issues of his own to deal with.
When an injury on the field changes everything, Will and Claire are driven apart. But when the two of them end up trapped together in a snowstorm, they're forced to deal with each other again. Can they confront their feelings without ruining their friendship? Or will their friendship turn into something more?
I didn't realize how much I'd missed this series until I started reading Claire. I couldn't put it down, feeling as though I was part of the Hart University crew. I loved the way it started, the two characters feeling drawn to each other though they're both in a relationship with someone else. Weird, huh? That I especially liked that? Well, they don't cheat on their partner and while I'd go insane with rage in real life, I thought Claire and Will belonged to each other. I loved the way they thought about one another and wished for the other one to look inside his/her head.
Even though I usually dislike anything band or music related in books, I was surprised finding myself not complaining about the scenes in which Claire was on stage, performing with her band. Probably also because these scenes weren't dragged and had the right length. Same with the romance in Abigail Strom's book in general. The chemistry between the characters has got the right speed - nothing's rushed. I read another review saying the romance is more natural that way, and I totally agree. It's not like you're reading a fictional story, but a real one captured for everyone to read.
Will's a jerk. There, I said it. Because he really is - at least towards the end of the book. You'll know what I mean when you get to that point. I can't believe he acted the way he did. I liked him a lot and then I didn't and wanted to punch him in the face for saying the things he said, for acting the way he did. That was unlike him, and even though I could understand where his anger was coming from, he didn't have to take it out on Claire. Which was fine, really, because that way he was more of a realistic character to me - like a real teenage guy. Like any human being, really. Can't say I liked his behaviour, though. Same with Claire and her excuses. Gosh, that was annoying. Just make a move, girl. Why still hold on to your "Semester of Us" thing (she and Tamsin called it that - staying away from boys for a semester) when you're clearly liking Will? I didn't get it. And I kind of did. I'm confused, haha.
Anyway... While I generally liked the book, there was one thing I didn't like: The Thanksgiving scenario. Everything about it, honestly. It didn't feel right to me. Everything after what happened to Will didn't feel right to me. He wasn't himself anymore, Claire wasn't herself anymore either, suddenly all confident, and that house, those scenes. Sweet, fun and hot, definitely, but I'd have wished for other circumstances. I can't even really explain it. It was supposed to be supportive for Will, sure. But was it?
The friendships in this series are what made me feel like coming home to it, too. Their bound is so strong, I like the way the author managed to capture that in Rikki and now in Claire as well. Which is probably why I'll give Tamsin a try, though I'm not exactly interested in her story. I don't know why, but I know one thing: I'll most likely love her story once I give it a chance.
Title: The First Kiss Hypothesis
Author: Christina Mandelski
Rating: 4/5
Thanks to NetGalley and Entangled Crush for letting me receive a digital copy of this book before its official release.
Nora Reid believes scientific laws control everything, even love. With her grandparents’ epic first kiss story cemented in her brain, Nora develops a hypothesis she’s determined to prove:for each person in the world, there is exactly one other person, and at first kiss, they’ll experience an immediate and intense reaction.
But after four years of zero-reaction kisses, she comes up with a new theory: maybe that pesky crush on her stunningly hot best friend Eli Costas is skewing her results.
She needs to get rid of him, and fast.
Eli Costas is an injury-prone lacrosse star with a problem—the one chance he had at winning over the girl next door resulted in the most epically sucktastic first kiss ever. And now she’s…trying to get rid of him? Hell no. It’s time to disprove her theory and show her exactly what she’s missing.
Game. On.
This is exactly the kind of book I expect whenever I request a book published by Entangled. This book is the perfect example for why I love the way they pick their books. It's cute, funny and the characters are both smart - super smart, even. I love a well-written character who's obsessed with maths or science. It's one of my weak spots when it comes to authors and their stories. And I loved the mix of Nora - the brain, and Eli - the sporty dude. I never really enjoy reading about sports, but it was different with The First Kiss Hypothesis and I can't even explain why. The sports wasn't the main focus and the two characters were too sweet to be true. I seriously loved their relationship, their chemistry. Their interactions made me think of them as the perfect couple.
Also, there was a serious topic 'hidden' in this book. Nora's grandmother, who, at times, doesn't even recognize her granddaughter. That old lady broke my heart, but then again I loved the way she still managed to encourage Nora when she needed it. I'm glad the author didn't choose for this topic to be too heavy, just the right amount of it. And then about Eli and Nora's pie obsession - something I can't relate to because pie isn't that popular in Germany. I don't even think I've ever eaten one, so the two should definitely take me to that place for the best pie in the world. Sometimes, I was annoyed by the ever-lasting, "Let's go and have pie" thing, but it was their thing, so I didn't mind too much.
Of course I was angry with Nora for not seeing what's right in front of her, with Eli for just shutting off. I can't put down in words how much I adored these two, how much I still do. Eli wants to prove Nora her hypothesis is wrong, but she doesn't want to hear about it. If there's no spark when she first kisses a guy, there's no second chance. Truth be told, I liked Tex enough to feel sorry for him when it felt to me like Nora was leading him on. Which is why I could imagine a book about him. I doubt there'll be one, but that would be my wish. Also, I wanted to roll my eyes at her hypothesis, but I secretly loved that the author came up with this idea. It's unique.
Lacrosse always makes me think of Teen Wolf, which I loved, so naturally, I pictured Eli as perfect as he was described. I think that Christina Mandelski captured both the characters' voices perfectly and I always felt whatever they felt. So the writing was really, really great and I can't believe her other book - The Sweetest Thing - has been on my eReader for about six years now. Although I'm too hooked on The First Kiss Hypothesis now to even give it a fair chance. I'll have to wait for that one. Hopefully not another six years.
Definitely one of my favourite reads from Entangled. I loved, loved, loved it. I was sad when I reached the end and I encourage everyone to get this book if you're looking for a sweet young adult read. This is absolutely perfect!
Title: Saving It
Author: Monica Murphy
Rating: 3/5
Thanks to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing, LLC for letting me receive a digital copy of this book before its official release.
Eden: Josh Evans and I have been best friends forever. He knows all my secrets, and I know all of his. So when he randomly asks me to help him lose his virginity, I sort of flip out. That’s a question that sends your mind to places you’ve seriously never considered before. Like, you know. Having sex. With your best friend. Except Josh doesn’t want to have sex with me—he wants me to help him find a girl. A nice girl who’s funny and smart and cute. Except he already knows a girl just like that...
Josh: Eden Sumner is my best friend. So of course she’d be the person to help me find my perfect match, so I can drop my V card before I head off to college. Except the more we search, the more I realize that maybe the right girl has been by my side all along. I don’t need Eden’s help in finding me a girl to love. I’m pretty sure I’m already in love with Eden. But now she thinks I’m only after one thing... with anyone but her.
I didn't even think about it when I pressed the "request" button for this one. It's a Monica Murphy book and I adore her. What more can I say?! With Daring The Bad Boy being one of my ultimate favourites of all time, I didn't hesitate when I saw Saving It up on NetGalley. And though I didn't love it as much, I still enjoyed reading it.
Sure enough, the story isn't extraordinary. But the way the author tells the story is. I love her humor and her ideas. You can definitely tell the difference between her Entangled books and the ones she publishes through different houses. With this publisher, Monica Murphy's books are lighter, there are more funny scenes in it and it's all much more young adult. But she's an expert at both genres, I'd say - young adult and new adult. I like both her styles very much.
Eden and Josh are about the cutest characters I've come across. There are lots of other authors trying to capture friendships the right way, telling a story so similar like this, but only a few actually manage to get the reader excited about it. I definitely was excited about this book. I had a hard time putting it down in order to have dinner or go out. The world of the two characters always had me want to dive into it again and again. They are best friends, though everyone else seems to always assume they're a couple in secret. And despite Josh always having been a relationship guy, he's still a virgin. He plans on changing that really soon, though. And Eden is the one he asks for help. Not in that way, but he wants her to come up with girls he could lose his virginity to. Oh my, what a bad idea, I thought. I already saw the whole plot going downhill, but luckily, I got surprised and still liked the book.
Safe to say, in the end I thought things were a little rushed. Maybe there are readers out there who will feel the same. And maybe that's why my rating suffered a bit. That and yes, it's a story you've read about a million times, as I said before. No matter how many times I say Monica did a fabulous job and I enjoyed her way of telling this plot more than anyone else's, it's still nothing new. But... While I usually have a problem with the main characters' friends, I adored Molly and Abe somehow. Probably not so much as a couple (who knows?! If they got their own book then maybe...), but as their best mates. I didn't quite understand Abe's motives concerning Eden, but that's a different story. And those girls Josh went after... Oh my. I can't believe there wasn't a single normal one, haha. On the other hand, there couldn't be, since there's Eden.
If you're looking for a sweet romance, best friends to lovers, then I suggest you read this one. Also if you're already a Monica Murphy fan and if you trust my review enough to give it a chance.