Title: Lola and the Boy Next Door
Author Stephanie Perkins
Rating: 4/5
It's official - I am a fan of Stephanie Perkins books. After I read Anna and the French Kiss
I wasn't so sure what to think of her books. I mean, I really liked it,
but this one was much better I think. I got into the book right from
the start and I loved it a lot :)
Lola Nolan is a little rebel. At least that's what her parents (or
better said her uncles, since they aren't her biological parents) would
say. She dressed nothing like the other girls her age do. Also other
girls her age date guys in the same age, but not Lola. She loves her
boyfriend Max, who is five whole years older than her. Not that
this tiny fact matters to her. She's happy with him and everything
seems just great. She should have known better: One day the Bell family
moves back to San Francisco. Even worse - back into their old house
which is right next door to the Nolan's home. And along with the old
neighbours, her old crush on their son Cricket starts to flicker inside
Lola's heart again. But what if the love for him was never really gone?
Way too many great aspects in this book. Stephanie makes sure you
smile and find yourself near to tears in this book. Super lover of Anna and the French Kiss
will be happy to read about Anna and St. Clair aswell. I absolutely
loved Cricket! He is so damn cute. And also there are some parts where I
couldn't help it but I felt a little bad for Max. The main character,
Lola, is just crazy! In a good way of course. She has visions of the
perfect costume and if this was a movie, I bet the dress would be
amazing! Really liked her character.
People who love young adult stories, happy endings and funny reads HAVE to buy Lola and the Boy Next Door! I'd recommend it anytime 'cause it's an awesome books that needs a place in everybody's bookshelf.

Title: The Espressologist
Author: Kristina Springer
Rating: 3/5
job also at the same time her talent - coffee. Not coffee itself, but
Jane's special talent is to know more about a costumer, than the
costumer him or herself knows. The drink you order tells your story and
makes people judge you, at least that what Jane truly believes in. What
proves it more to her is that the matches she makes, so the couples she
sets together like her best friend Em and another great friend Cam, are
based on that take-your-order-and-I-tell-you-what-you-are-thing. When
her boss discovers her secret talent, he orders her to make it his gain.
Soon she also matches regular costumers as a Holiday promotion. The
only thing that's now bothering Jane is that though she matches people,
where is that special someone that may belongs to her?
I don't know why this is compared to Emma by Jane Austen. Honestly, I never read any books by Jane Austen, so I can't add anything to that.
I really liked The Espressologist
and I also like that word a lot :D The book idea was very good and I
also believe that somehow you can guess what a person is like by what he
or she orders. But being matched with someone that way might take
things a little too far for good. I'm glad it worked for the couples in
the book at least. Not sure how that'd be in real life. Test needed
here, oh yes!
So, I can't say a lot about the characters. I liked
Jane, I liked Cam, but Em annoyed me a little. Even though I don't
think there is anything she has to forgive Jane for, first she never
wants to see her again and then in the next second she acts like her
best friend again. That's what I disliked a bit. Derek is probably what a
real boss would be like too. Strange and yet sometimes you want to hug
him. (Mainly because it wouldn't be that strange if he's not that much
older than yourself, but be careful, never hug your boss :P)
liked the cover, I liked the book and the idea, the characters, but
something was missing. That's why only three stars. The spark just
didn't have it on me, but it's a very cute book and I'm glad I picked it
up. No regrets there. If you can't decide what to read up next, then
this is a good chill read to get your head off of thoughts. So sit back,
imagine sitting with your favourite kind of coffee or Frap or whatever
in a comfortable chair (or even in the coffeehouse where Jane works at)
and read The Espressologist.

Title: Lust (Seven Deadly Sins #01)
Author: Robin Wasserman
Rating: 3/5
rating might seem low, but this book was actually really good. I won't
compare it to any other similar series, since I'm quite of sick reading
all these comments that compare this series to Gossip Girl. Seriously,
teenage drama is teenage drama. All are the same, not just one that
copies the other.
I was surprised that this book was "big". I
mean there are seven books of it, so I'm impressed that Robin Wasserman
really wrote 229 pages. Nice.
The main part of the story is that everybody wants everybody else (explains why it's called Lust)
and I found myself excited about finding out who wants who and who gets
who. For example: There is Adam. He is in love with his girlfriend Beth
and yet he finds hiself drawn to Kaia, the new girl at school who is,
by the way, my least favourite character in this book. That's just
because I don't like girls like her. Harper prefers hook ups but is
secretly crushing on Adam. Beth friend's think she slept with Adam long
time ago and yet she is still a virgin, fearing that Adam might break up
anytime soon. Miranda's got a crush on Kane, but he wants everybody but
her to make out with. I'm a little sad that Miranda's story isn't such a
big part here, same with Kane. The main characters are Harper and Adam
and probably Beth as well.
I'd recommend this book to whoever
wants to have a nice fresh read and likes teenage dramas. I liked this
book, it was great and that's why I'm going to read the other six books
Title: Envy (Seven Deadly Sins #02)
Author: Robin Wasserman
Rating: 3/5
the second book of the series, you get a deeper view on the characters
and their stories. In addition, Robin also writes more about Miranda and
Kane in this book, which I'm grateful for since they didn't take the
big roles in the first book.
Harper is still wanting Adam to
finally want her. So along with Kane (who still wants a little challenge
named Beth, who is Adam's girlfriend) she creates a masterplan that
somehow involves Kaia at some point of the story then. Kaia herself is
doing her best to make the French teacher Mr. Powell losing sleep over
her. (Or actually with her... Small word game here.) Still, all Miranda can see is Kane, and yet her best fiend Harper tells her to look for a little fun with someone else.
not sure I liked this one better than the first. They're both good.
Fact, there was more "Lust" in this book, than in "Lust" itself.

Title: Teach Me
Author: R.A. Nelson
Rating: 3.5/5
Carolina "Nine" it's not that hard to earn the good grades while
everyone else seem to have their mind on else what but school. Then
something cuts her off aswell. Not that much something as someone:
her English teacher Mr. Mann. The way he talks like he truly believes
what he says and the way he seems to understand her point of views, she
just can't help but fall for him. She doesn't even know how it happens,
but suddenly Caroline and Mr. Mann are having this huge affair that
nobody else knows about and can't. He always confesses how much he loves
her, but why does he break things off so quick one day?
This is
my first teacher/student book and I really, really liked it. It took a
while for me to get into that book but then it just clicked.
Carolina loves Richard (Mr. Mann)
so much, it's horrible. Horrible in a good way, I mean. It's
heartbreaking that things went as they did. I admit, sometimes she
appeared like some kind of freak and stalker person. She seemed really
obsessed with Mr. Mann after his decision not to keep their relationship
going. I didn't really understand why she was that obsessed. Of course,
she is a teenager and they feel things differently and perhaps a little
stronger than adults. So the grief is stronger for them aswell. Though,
to me it never seemed that Mr. mann was THAT into her.
She should have relaxed a bit, 'cause some things she did, just crossed
an invisible line. But those things also made her appear more real. I
liked the parts with her best friend. He is so cute!
Mr. Mann is
the bad guy here! If there had been a pont of view from his side I'd
think different about it maybe, but I doubt it. As I said he didn't seem
to be into her that much, which is quite sad. Also, I couldn't
understand his reasons. I would have loved to spit in his face by the
time I finished this book. Yet I liked his character in the beginning.
Teach Me
was the first novel by R.A. Nelson that I read and I liked it a lot! He
has this special way to express things with his writing, so I'm gonna
keep track with his other books, I guess. The ending isn't open and yet
it isn't 'closed' either. You can wish for your favourite ending
yourself and I know what's mine. Some last words: I loved the story and I
want more books like that! Recommended to everyone who likes books that
are nothing like you expected and are exciting to read.